The Story Behind
Min's Glorieta Glory Salsa Blend
Min & Bill Lowry moved to Glorieta Baptist Assembly in the Fall of 1969. During their subsequent 22-year tenure there (1969-1991), Min served in New Mexico Hall, the Greenhouse, and the Bookstore, but she was primarily known for her hospitality in hosting friends from all over at “the house on the corner above the Rec Field.” Bill was well-known for calling in the afternoon with a “You’ll never guess who’s here...” in his lilt. “They might drop by after services tonight.” Min’s cooking was the stuff of legends and summers were understandably full of chicken enchiladas, fajitas, and homemade Butterfinger ice cream on the front porch.

Glorieta Glory was initially marketed only in the Bookstore at Glorieta Baptist Conference Center, but quickly spread to Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and a steady mail-order business grew as well. A flavorful Meat Marinade (Now known simply as "Marinade") was developed, along with suggested uses. Packets of marinade and salsa made their way to not only Texas and Nashville, but all across the United States and even around the world.

Post Script:
Just in case you’re wondering, Min passed away in April of 2019 at the age of 91. Her physical presence is now and will be missed for many years, but her vibrant spirit lives on in our hearts and in the hearts of the many people she touched through her life and her ministries.